Thursday, November 28, 2019

DIRT Marksheet 7 – H409 Music Videos Artist representations in mv’s

Name:                                      Date:
AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence
Assessment Objectives AO1: 1a 1b – Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media.
AO1 Total: 10 marks.

The content below is not prescriptive and all valid points should be credited. It is not expected that responses will include all of the points listed.
AO1:1 How producers may choose to include different representations in music videos to promote the artist(s), for example:
· producers of music videos may construct representations of the artist(s) that emphasise key aspects of their image, such as their performance prowess, which depending on the genre of music video could be high paced, coordinated dance routines, or performance highlighting the artist’s (or artists’) musical prowess and artistry, or narrative performance highlighting the artist’s (or artists’) image. Music videos may focus on one element of those highlighted above in depth but producers are more likely to select a combination of these elements to strongly emphasise key aspects of the artist’s (or artists’) mediated image.
 · producers of music videos may construct representations of the target audience for the artist(s), for example the storyline of narrative elements of a music video may feature representations (or idealised representations) of fans (the target audience) interacting with the artist(s) in order to elicit within fans a feeling of belonging and loyalty with regard to the mediated image and/or music of the artist’s (or artists’).
· producers of music videos may promote the artist(s) to their fan-base (target audience) through elicit value-transference to the artist(s) through representations other than those of the artist(s), for example: o through artistic excellence and high production values, e.g. a highly cinematic in style narrative music video; or through more abstract, ‘high art’ expressionist videos (that may be live action, animated or feature digital CGI; or feature a combination of these elements) that appeal to the artist’s (or artists’) fan-base (target audience) o through the use of glamour, for example, featuring representations artist(s) through the use of performers (which may be real, digital or animated) in ‘glamorous’ and / or highly aspirational situations o music videos may also elicit value

· List A videos using social realist representation of ‘street life’ to represent the authenticity and cultural currency of the Corinne Bailey Rae video, aiming to transfer that value of transcendence to the artist
· the use of intertextual, postmodern representations in List B videos. the cinĂ©philiac recreation of Spielbergian 80s suburban America in the David Guetta video
· the use of messages and viewpoints in videos that aim to bolster the image of the artist and chime with those of the positioned audience - the very filmic representation of teenage alienation in Guetta’s video creates an ambiguous message that adds to the sophistication of Guetta’s image and fits the large-scale nature of the song.
·         Comprehensive demonstration of knowledge and understanding of representations in music videos.
·         Comprehensive, detailed and accurate knowledge and understanding of representations in music videos.
·         Clear and precise and balanced explanation of how representations are chosen to promote the artist(s) in music videos.
7–10  Answer is supported by detailed and accurate reference to one set music video.
4–6  An adequate demonstration of knowledge and understanding of representations in music videos.
·         Adequate and generally accurate knowledge and understanding of representations in music videos.
· Generally accurate explanation of how representations are chosen to promote the artist(s) in music videos.
· Answer is supported by general accurate reference to one set music video
1–3 A minimal demonstration of knowledge and understanding of representations in music videos. · Knowledge of representation in music videos is minimal, demonstrating little understanding.
· Explanation of how representations are used in music videos is minimal and may not always be accurate. · Reference to a set music video to support the answer is minimal and may be inaccurate.
0 No response or no response worthy of credit.

Have a look at all the points you could have made from Miss Brookes’ feedback (next page) and reflect on what you did well and what was missing.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

Identifying shots

What are the areas you need to improve?

Make sure to answer the question

What do you need to focus on for your next music video assessment?

Gendered stereotype
Focus, grey concrete blurred focus, brutal
Long shot reveals young woman-isolated against concrete walls, reaction shot shows her vulnerability
Secondary characters are introduced discourse challenges-stereotypes
Montage editing briefly used to allow audience to construct meaning
Parallel sounds match visual images
Connotations that whoever you are you can transcend poverty and inequality
Initial stereotypes of angry homeless man and uncaring businessman are suggested and then challenged
Urban connotations

Friday, November 22, 2019


Responses will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of contexts of media and their influence on media products and processes including:  explaining the economics of traditional and online editions of The Guardian and the Daily Mail newspapers (for example, paid for primarily by advertising based on audience number/ demographic as well as direct sales)  showing the significance of these changes for traditional print editions and online editions and newspaper audiences (e.g. The Guardian focusing on its online content and seeking to develop a donation-based culture; the Mail moving slightly downmarket with clickbait stories hosted on MailOnline; both papers are still seeking to maintain their print editions although these are making a loss)  explanation of technological convergence and/ or the proliferation of technology and the effect this has had on institutional process and audiences with reference to economic context (for example, The Guardian’s use of email to attract a regular audience; targeted advertising; the need for stories to be published online throughout the day as rolling news) GIVE SPECIFIC EGS  explaining the economic effect of the decline of traditional print editions, for example, with reference to circulation and yearly sales figures of traditional print versions and the rise of online subscription (neither The Guardian nor the Mail currently operate a paywall, compared to some of their competitors, although there is some debate as to whether this model is sustainable) HOW DOES THE GUARDIAN ASK READERS FOR MONEY?  explaining the economic implications of how newspapers are in competition for readers and how advertising revenue from the ‘new’ media is vital - GIVE EGS OF ADVERTISERS  explaining the different platforms used by audiences to access news content from The Guardian and Daily Mail with reference to the growth in online readership (give some numbers) and the impact on how audiences consume news (use of specific social media, websites means many consumers no longer pay for news content). GIVE SPECIFIC EGS.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


closeup of man with tattoos low angle, static shot, blurred and into focus in slow-mo

mid-shot, low angle, two shot. The woman is in the foreground, he is out of focus which is unusual for the homeless who are usually marginalized. The man is subverting the conventions

Website creation practice

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Summer Work

Big news and current events:
The UK has voted to leave the EU by 52% to 48%. Leave won the majority of votes in England and Wales, while every council in Scotland saw Remain majorities.

Cameron, who supported Britain's continued membership of the EU, announced his resignation on 24 June 2016, stating that he would step down by October. Theresa May won the contest on 11 July 2016, after the withdrawal of Andrea Leadsom left her as the sole candidate.
Theresa May herself resigned on 24 July, with Boris Johnson being appointed Prime Minister by Queen Elizabeth II shortly after.

Royal events
  • Royal Garden Parties at Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Holyroodhouse.
  • The Queen's Birthday Parades: Trooping the Colour Saturday 1 June & Saturday 8 June.
  • Royal Ascot Tuesday 18 June - Saturday 22 June.

Terrorism and Hatred
On 22 March 2017, a terrorist attack took place outside the Palace of Westminster in London, seat of the British Parliament. The attacker, 52-year-old Briton Khalid Masood, drove a car into pedestrians on the pavement along the south side of Westminster Bridge and Bridge Street, injuring more than 50 people, four of them fatally.
Eight people were killed and many more injured when three attackers ploughed a van into pedestrians on London Bridge before launching a knife attack in nearby Borough Market on Saturday, June 3, 2017
The Finsbury Park attack was a vehicle-ramming attack in Finsbury Park, London, England, on 19 June 2017. A van was driven into pedestrians in Finsbury Park, London, by Darren Osborne, causing one death and injuring nine people. This occurred near the Muslim Welfare House, 100 yards from Finsbury Park Mosque
22 people died - including a number of children - after an explosion tore through a pop concert at Manchester Arena. More than 800 other people received physical or psychological injures in the blast at an Ariana Grande concert on May 22 2017. Terrorist Salman Abedi was named as the suicide bomber who carried out the attack.
On 16 June 2016, Cox died after being shot and stabbed multiple times in Birstall, where she had been due to hold a constituency surgery. Thomas Mair, who held far-right views, was found guilty of her murder in November and sentenced to life imprisonment with a whole life order.
Syrian War
A peaceful uprising against the president of Syria almost eight years ago turned into a full-scale civil war. The conflict has left more than 360,000 people dead, devastated cities and drawn in other countries.
UK specific issues
  • May made clear when addressing the nation on 13 July 2016, she was going to do more to help “ordinary working-class families” get on in life. She promised those familes that she would “think not of the powerful but you,” adding that the “government I lead will be driven not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours”. But it was her second goal - to deliver the Brexit that the British people voted for in 2016 - that was to consume almost all her time and energy and, in the end, bring her leadership of the country to its disastrous finale.
  • On 14 June 2017, a fire broke out in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in North KensingtonWest London just before 1:00 am BST; it caused 72 deaths, including those of two victims who later died in hospital. More than 70 others were injured and 223 people escaped. It was the deadliest structural fire in the United Kingdom since the 1988 Piper Alpha disaster and the worst UK residential fire since the Second World War. The fire is currently being investigated by the police, a public inquiry, and coroner's inquests.
  • The Windrush scandal is a 2018 British political scandal concerning people who were wrongly detained, denied legal rights, threatened with deportation, and, in at least 83 cases, wrongly deported from the UK by the Home Office. Many of those affected had been born British subjects and had arrived in the UK before 1973, particularly from Caribbean countries as members of the Windrush generation.
  • The 2016 junior doctors strikes in England had a ‘significant’ impact on the provision of healthcare, with thousands of appointments cancelled, and significantly fewer admissions and A&E attendances than expected. 
  • The Charlie Gard case was a best interest’s case in 2017 (4 August 2016 – 28 July 2017), an infant boy from London, born with mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (MDDS), a rare genetic disorder that causes progressive brain damage and muscle failure. MDDS has no treatment and usually causes death in infancy. The case became controversial because the medical team and parents disagreed about whether experimental treatment was in the best interests of the child.
  • Johnson, now 31, grew up in County Durham and was a youth player at Newcastle United and Middlesbrough. In 2010, he was picked up by Manchester City for a rumoured £7 million, signing a lucrative four-a-half-year contract. The next year he helped City win the FA Cup and the following season was part of the squad that won the club's first Premier League trophy in 2012. He also earned 12 senior caps for the England national team. After struggling for game time in City's star-studded squad, Johnson signed for Sunderland for £10 million in 2012 and continued playing after his arrest and charge. At the start of his trial in February 2016 he was earning £60,000 a week playing for the Black Cats. He was finally sacked by the club after he pleaded guilty to grooming and sexual activity with a child.Trends

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Shelter essay

The main aim of the ad is to promote the shelter and raise awareness of the issue of homelessness. The faces of the people in the ads are blank and tired, and the red, translucent text over their eyes makes them seem bloodshot which implies that they are stressed. The use of males and females as well as people of different ethnicities, is done to raise awareness about vagrancy and the different circumstances which could be relatable to many people such as tenants who struggle to pay rent and could potentially see themselves getting evicted.
The colour scheme is pastel with dark shadows which contrasts with the red and white text contrasts with the rest of the poster which makes it stand out and shows the suffering of the people. The logo of "Shelter" with the 'h' shaped like a house which makes it seem like it’s primary purpose is to provide accommodations to those who need it.
The slogan of the Shelter is “We can help”, which clearly portrays the values of the shelter as being a non-profit charity with the goal of lending a hand to homeless people. Every poster also has the “Every year we help thousands of people”, increasing their credibility and making the charity seem more trustworthy.
The representation of the people in the posters as helpless and vulnerable plays on the audience’s emotive side, as they are looking at the camera and it is human nature to help those who are asking for help. The fact that the people in the photos are not celebrities makes them more relatable to the general public emphasising that anyone could be in that situation, such as those they know or themselves in the future and perhaps if people give money to charity, if they are ever in a similar situation they will also be able to receive help from a charity.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Minecraft essay

Minecraft: Introduction
Minecraft was originally created as “Cave game” in 2009 by Markus Notch Persson, a Swedish games designer. It was then fully developed by Mojang and released to the public on 17 May 2009.
The game has infinite terrain and no specific goal so the player can spend as much time as they want creating and editing their own world, which is the main purpose of the game. It is a sandbox game since everything the player creates is a product of their own creativity and imagination. You create things by mining and then using the cubes you acquired to build whatever is required.
Modes of play
The five game modes in Minecraft are Survival, Creative, Adventure, Spectator and Hard-core. The two most popular being Creative and Survival.
Creative mode gained popularity because it gives the player infinite resources to create and there is no health or hunger bar to interrupt the creation process. The player also gains the ability to fly and mobs are passive towards them, which would be appealing to people who want to build and produce.
Survival mode gained popularity because despite Minecraft having no goal in theory, the player is required to expand their shelter, gather resources and add to their capabilities. In this mode you can get trophies and points which would interest players with an interest in Action games
Commercial success
Minecraft’s initial reception wasn’t commercially viable, seen more as a niche product for players with expert knowledge of computers and programming. The game wasn’t really publically advertised and mostly got around through word of mouth and small magazines, however by January 2011, the beta-version of the game had passed over one million purchases in just only a month, and by April 2011 Persson estimated that US$33 million of revenue had been made. In November 2011, prior to the game’s official release, Minecraft had over 16 million registered users and 4 million purchases. Because it was released across multiple platforms interactivity was increased and many people enjoyed the fact that they could interact with friends despite not having the same devices.
Minecraft had a lot of influence over the movement on social media. It allowed players to create walk-throughs and videos showing them playing Minecraft which created a community of people who share the love of Minecraft. Social networks such as Twitch also promoted Minecraft and many influencers jumped on the band wagon of promoting Minecraft. The continued development of fan made media across social media platforms and dedicated fan sites and blogs allowed Minecraft’s influence to widely spread.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Minecraft questions

1) How many subscriptions does Ali-A have for his Youtube channel?
2) How many years have he been doing this?
2 ( for minecraft) 5 (for COD)
3) Why did he start playing Minecraft?
It was widely requested
4) Describe his average working day
Coming up with an idea for a video and then making it, 2 videos or the minecraft channel, one for the other
5) Why might we watch Youtubers?
6) What is Twitch and what is the average time spent on it by a viewer?
7) How much do you estimate that Ali-A earns in a year? Go to to check your answer
$542 thousand to $8.7 million a year

Microsoft’s purchase of Mojang (3.22-8.15) :
9) How much was Minecraft purchased for?
$2.5 billion
10) What are 3 reasons behind Microsoft’s purchase?
a)It's going to cultivate a younger audiece
b)Can be used on a windows phone
C)Could be used as a franchise

Monday, February 25, 2019

BBC Radio 1 essay

How is the BBC Radio One breakfast show reaching its audience?
The BBC Radio One Breakfast show reaches its audience mostly through the radio while people are commuting to work in the car. There is also the option of reaching people through mobile phones and computers, as it can be played in the background while other activities are being completed. There is a mobile app, which allows people to access the radio live, as long as there is Wi-Fi or previous, pre-recorded versions can be played in case of lack of Wi-Fi. The DJ is also usually active on social media, allowing the audience to find out more about the show. A change of DJ has also largely influenced the number of listeners tuning in to listen to the show. More than 230,000 extra listeners have been tuning in to the Radio 1 breakfast show since Greg James took over from Nick Grimshaw in August. Whereas Grimshaw had an image of a party man, who was close to multiple celebrities, Greg James is more educated in his conversations, making him more interesting to his audience.

How is the BBC Radio Breakfast show targeting its audience?
The Radio One Breakfast show uses DJs to relate and interest the audience. The current DJ, Greg James is entraining to young adults, such as a diverse group of university students and older high school students, who use the show to keep updated on the news and the most recent music. The show is also fundamentally British which means it tries to promote British artists and has a patriotic following. It is PLC, meaning that it’s funded by the public and does not have any adverts or government monetary support, allowing it to provide the public with good, accurate information, as opposed to other radio station which might have an obligation to report from a certain perspective. The fact that it is publically funded also means that there aren’t any advertisements, which would appeal to the audience, because constant ads between parts of the show get frustrating and having a constant, uninterrupted steam of information and music suggests a lack of propaganda or bias.
The Radio One Breakfast show also targets its audience though social media. The current DJ, Greg James is relatively prominent on twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, which allows the younger people to be reached more easily. Social Media allows the audience to find out about the person they listen to every morning.

How is the Radio Breakfast Show encouraging audience interaction?
The Radio One Breakfast show encourages audience interaction through quizzes and games organised by the DJ, such as “pass the pastry” which allow people to call in to answer questions as well as being able to call in to speak to the DJ which creates a sense of intimacy between the audience and the Show. Prizes such as tickets to the Super Bowl or tickets to a concert also play a major role in the encouragement of audience interaction with the DJ.
Interaction with the audience can also be encouraged through Social Media, such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc. It gives people the ability to feel closer to the DJ as a normal person, rather than a celebrity. It also gives them a common interest to talk about when texting or calling into the show which makes the rest of the audience feel more engaged and interested in the Show.

Timeline Radio 1

News and weather
Introduction with Greg James - talks about his morning, refers to the Jam Slam quiz later on in the day. Track 1 Ni**ars in Paris (T.I remix), Jay Z and Kanye West. Track 2 Baby, Clean Bandit ft. Marina and the diamonds and Luis Fonsi
Backing sound, chats to the audience - talks more about the quiz and the prizzes. He also reads tweets. Says the winners of the Super bowl tickets will be announced after 8
Track We appreciate power, Grimes ft. Hana
Coming up...
Track Solo dance, Martin Jensen
Chats with people whilst they’re on their way to work - reads out listener’s messages, roughly 5 people
Track That sound, Sam Fender. Says people have texted in: One boy’s birthday so Greg James says Happy Birthday. The text says the boy would like the day off school, as it is his birthday. “Coming up… after the news” celebrities, quiz, more tracks etc.
News and weather
8:00 am
News and weather.
8:05 am
Quiz with some riddles and anagrams. Playing a game to guess a secret word. Radio 1 Jam slam as well.
8:07 am
Lady Gaga- Bad Romance
8:10 am
Donae’O Feat Belly- Chalice
8:13 am
Dua Lipa- One Kiss
8:15- 8:20 am
Ad break and talking about future events
8:20 am
Competition to win tickets to the Superbowl 53
8:25 am
Los Unidades & Pharell Williams Feat Jozzy- E-Lo
8:30 am
9:00 am
Track Labrynth (Earthquake)
9:04 am
Sting then New Track (Childish Gambino 3005)
9:07 am
Sting and New Track (Gotta Get thru This)
9:10 am
Recap of tracks, audience comments on tracks. (10 minute takeover)
9:12 am
Track (Without Me, Halsey)
9:18 am
Track (Pale Waves, One more Time)
9:20 am
NG introduces again. Brief small talk (latest popular news). Pick and Mix of interview snippets.
9:23 am
9:27 am
Time update. Track (Sigrid Sucker punch)
9:30 am
Casual talk with studio crew.
9:32 am
News update and weather
Sucker punch-Sigrid
News- 10 year plan for NHS, request for text opinion
Actress award, Intoxicated man, Sexual assault clams, Basketball player fearing assassination
It’s not living by 1957
God’s Plan by Drake, replying to a text,
Talks about a TV show, plays theme tune for “Richard and Judi”, talks about Football.
Party for one by  Carly Rae Jepsen
Can’t you see by Fidlar
Talks about the song before. Stormsi singing in karaoke to unexpected songs
Body by Loud Luxury feat Brando
Thank u, Next by Ariana Grande, says goodbye and goes over everything he has previously said (Football and karaoke)


3* ‘Representations of social, cultural and historical events can vary within long form television dramas from different countries.’ Discus...