Tuesday, September 11, 2018


We received two genres, for each we had to take a photograph which could be used as a poster for that particular genre of film. The genres our group got was 'sci-fi' and 'teen film'.
For sci fi we decided to use the image of two hands holding a fire, because the image has connotations of supernatural. The setting is unclear, only a greenish background can be seen which creates a mysterious atmosphere. The props used were a Bunsen burner and the screen which we put in front of the fire for effect. The characters are unclear, however from the poster you can see that the character can control/ has something to do with fire. We used a close-up of the flame so that you can't see anything around it other than the hands and the green background.
The teen film photo is taken in a stereotypical school environment. It is a long shot, as well as crab right. This makes the character seem isolated and makes themes such as loneliness come through. The props we used was the hoodie and the phone to make the  character look secluded which is common among teenagers. 

Steve Neale came up with the genre theory which suggests that genres are the repetitions of repetitions of differences and similarities and differences

Hybrid genre means having two or more themes in a single genre

1 comment:

  1. Where are all your other tasks? Summer? https://gbhsmedia2018.blogspot.com/2018/09/first-week-of-blogging.html



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