Sunday, September 30, 2018

Ghost Ship




S- A cruise ship, sailing in the open sea, set in the mid 1900s, during the economic boom which meant people who were previously poor, could now afford a lot more. There are, therefore, many rich people on the ship

T- At the beginning, a prominent theme seems to be romance however by the end of the video, it becomes clear that the movie is actually a horror

I-The toy the girl is playing with, is an important icon which signifies that her boredom is going to be interrupted at some point during the evening. The flowers are also important, as the camera pauses on them for a while, and we later see that they are the first thing to be cut, followed by the cutting of the lanterns which were also shown in the beginning.

N-  The plot revolves around the ship, which was targeted because of the valuables it carried on board and the ghosts which haunt it even after forty years.

C-  Katie (The little girl), the waiter, the singer and other bad guy, the old captain

T- Pink swirly writing, suggesting the movie is a romance or at least a happy movie. The long shot of the boat, with the lamps, also creates an impression of a relaxed atmosphere. 

Mise en scene

C- The first character we see, is the singer, who is wearing red. This could have been used to symbolised passion and love, which is what the audience assumes from the previous shots they have been given. However, the woman seems more suspicious after she nods at a man wearing light green, who looks like a stereotypical villain but we are unsure.
Then, we are shown a young girl, wearing white, which symbolises purity and innocence. The waiter and captain are also wearing white or pastel colours and it is later shown that those not wearing light colours are mostly villains 

L- At the beginning, when we are first shown the girl, the ship seems very well lit, and she is basked in white light, which makes her seem almost angelic. Everyone else is also shown in white, strong light, however, by the end, everything is given a bluish tint which symbolises tragedy or horror.
Lighting is also used in some places to dissect the screen as foreshadowing of what is to come.

A- Everyone except the girl, belongs to an older generation, which is emphasised through the height difference between the captain and her, as well as the shot with the waiter and the girl. When the actors are dancing, it is made very clear that the girl is much younger, and therefore, smaller than the rest of the people 

M- No make-up used for effect

P- The violins are important props, as they occasionally dissect the screen, as foreshadowing of what is to come. Another important prop would be the wire, which is the weapon of genocide and is a creative, unexpected device of murder

S- The scene is set during nighttime. This seems romantic at the beginning however at the end, after the horrific mass murder, the darkness becomes sinister


M-At the beginning, the music creates a romantic atmosphere, it is relaxing and happy. Just before the audience are shown the lever being pulled, the music speeds up, suggesting that there is going to be a change of mood. The music, then, slows down and becomes echoey to a degree which makes it sound creepy and we are, afterwards, shown the bodies and blood

C- The music at the beginning does not match with the genre of the film

D- Diegetic sounds such as people chatting amongst each other and the wire vibrating

O- Singing can be heard off-screen when the girl is being shown and people are dancing, to reinforce the woman's power in the operation 

V- No voiceover

E- Throughout the opening scene, we are shown the girl's boredom towards being on the ship, however by the end her boredom changes to horror 

D- The only definitive dialogue the audience hears is the singer telling everyone to go up and dance,  which as we later find out, is done to have a fast way to get rid of a lot of people at once. The rest of the dialogue is blurred and lost, showing the insignificance of the people speaking


S- The young girl, Katie gets a lot of screen time. From this, the audience can gather that she is one of the main characters. The lady in red, also gets screen time, however, even though in the beginning it might seem like she's the main character, it eventually becomes clear that she is the villain

T- Most of the transitions, at the beginning, are smooth and gentle to fit the romantic mood on the ship, however, by the end, the transitions following the wire become snappy and fast

O- Everything in the opening scene, is done chronologically as it happens

P- The pacing is slow at the beginning, lulling the audience into a false sense of security. However, by the end, the pacing speeds up significantly

S- No special effects used

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