Thursday, December 13, 2018

BBC Quiz

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Daily Mail Front Cover

We were asked to create a realistic front cover of the Daily Mail using either publisher or InDesign. I used Publisher because I have previous experience with using it and it is more simple. I used tools such as Whitman, which allowed me to find fonts to use in the newspaper and the Snipping Tool to get the title into the Front Cover. The biggest obstacle of the task was finding the fonts and sizes to use for the text in the Newspaper, because even though Whitman was useful, it didn't provide fonts for the article and didn't allow letters to be of any other color than black.
We were given a briefing of what should be on the front cover, such as Christmas, Obesity lowering the IQ of children,  Ant McPartlin being the final surprise  or ladybirds carrying STIs. I chose the Obesity story to be the main one, since it seemed to be something Daily Mail would choose. The image of Ant on the right, although not relevant to the main story, makes it seem more severe because he looks so negative. To balance out the negativity below, the Christmas advert is bright and pleasant, with bright, eye-catching colors. If I were to re-do it, I would change the font of the article text and the color of the Christmas advert.


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